There are set fees for the following:
- One off consultation (up to 1.5 hours, deducted from cost of assessment if this is then required)
- Individual assessment (about 16 hours, including discussions, direct work, report writing and feedback)
- Intervention (6 x 1.5 hour sessions, including time for initial meeting and review, with additional sessions charged at a fixed rate if requested)
- Coaching (up to 1.5 hours, with a half hour observation prior to meeting – recommended for first session if focus is teaching and learning issues)
- Training (minimum of 2 hours chargeable time and charged per hour thereafter)
- School visit (about 3.5 hours, including consultations, observation, direct work etc as requested)
All fees include travel costs for journeys by car of under 20 miles each way, as measured by Google maps using post codes. Travel over 20 miles will be charged at a set rate per mile.
All fees including travel expenses are subject to VAT at the current rate.
Supporting children and young people with learning, communication or behaviour issues
I work with children, young people and adults to help understand their learning and behaviour and think about how their needs can best be met. Read more
I work with schools and nurseries offering assessments, report writing, coaching, consultation, intervention and training. Read more
My work in action
Read about some examples of my work with children, parents and professionals.